Pratima has left the blog
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THank you for joining in.Hope you will have a great time here.
We recently conducted a poll on the blog
and asked a question
How many books Have you read In the first half of 2008?
The response was ok
we got around 19 votes and here is the result.
0-10 14 (73%)
11-20 4 (21%)
21-30 1 (5%)
31-40 0 (0%)
41 and above 0 (0%)
I wish to make 3 comments here
*I had voted for the 3rd option.21-30 one.
*SIx months and just 10 books seems less i feel.One should read more.
*A request to members to analyze the poll results and offer comments please.
3)The Poll -
THe Best Book review on this blog, IN the Month of June was....
1)Shopoholic and baby [Pankhuri Aggarwal] - 2 (14%)
2)TheChameleon's shadow [Ielphil Raven] - 0 (0%)
3)The Kite Runner [Jan] 10 (71%)
4)THe Fountainhead [Tshhar Mangal] 2 (14%)
5)P.S. i Love you [The Hobbit] 2 (14%)
6)Ancient Promises [ Reeti] 1 (7%)
7)The Opposite of love [Richa] 0 (0%)
Votes : 14
Poll closed
*I never voted on this one because my name was mentioned.
*I think Jan deserves a very big congratulations from all of us for a wonderful blog review.
*Richa and Ielphil and all the rest of us did a fine job but I think this was a poll between who was better then the best.I am very satisfied with the 2 votes my review got.Thank you to all who voted for me and my post.
Jai Shri Ram!!!