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Ignorance- Towards our rights and duties; sheer bliss? or a disguised evil?

“It is a right and duty of the wise ones to purify the strong by teaching them their duties and to strengthen the weak by teaching them their rights “; Subrahmanya C. Bharati has rightly quoted.
Just yesterday, I heard of a very saddening thing, our colony watchman was getting his eleven year old daughter married, instead of educating her...instead of enrolling her in a school..., and I was dismayed on hearing this, I tried advocating her, but just one voice wasn't enough, to stop this crime. And it got me thinking...
I started wondering as to why more than sixty percent of India is unaware of their rights and do not abide by their duties.
Life, the world, is like a little classroom, we meet new classmates, make friends, sometimes even fray with many, yet, and we stay committed. Committed, to the unity of the class. We all have our own responsibilities, our own duties to fulfill. While in class, our duty is to concentrate on whatsoever is being taught, while in doubt, it’s our right to question or to seek advice, it’s like a chain reaction, ‘’you get what you give’’, like its written in the holy Bhagavad Gita, ‘’Karm karo, fal ki chinta mat karo’’, literally meaning, do your karma, and forget the outcome.
I do not believe in flamboyance, or am not trying to say, that we should immediately go and leap before we look, yet we can make small differences, like every drop counts to make an ocean, we too can make a difference. We could start, by caring for our mother earth, by not exploiting her gifts, by reducing global warming, little deeds, could make a huge difference
Like, switching the lights off, when not in use, or by planting more tress, there are innumerous ways in which we could help. A major difference could also be made by conserving our natural resources; we could do that, by switching our engines off on a red light, or by switching to CNG instead of petrol or diesel. We could also, save our human resources, by being more careful on the streets and by abiding by traffic rules and laws.
All we need is inspiration, to raise a voice, against injustice, to support each other, to be united. If someone cannot speak for themselves, against injustice towards them, we’ll be their voice, because we can. We can make a difference. We are the voice. The voice of, our country. So let’s fight for our rights and abide by our duties, because we
t is a right and duty of the wise ones to purify the strong by teaching them their duties and to strengthen the weak by teaching them their rights “; Subrahmanya C. Bharati has rightly quoted.
Just yesterday, I heard of a very saddening thing, our colony watchman was getting his eleven year old daughter married, instead of educating her...instead of enrolling her in a school..., and I was dismayed on hearing this, I tried advocating her, but just one voice wasn't enough, to stop this crime. And it got me thinking...
I started wondering as to why more than sixty percent of India is unaware of their rights and do not abide by their duties.
Life, the world, is like a little classroom, we meet new classmates, make friends, sometimes even fray with many, yet, and we stay committed. Committed, to the unity of the class. We all have our own responsibilities, our own duties to fulfill. While in class, our duty is to concentrate on whatsoever is being taught, while in doubt, it’s our right to question or to seek advice, it’s like a chain reaction, ‘’you get what you give’’, like its written in the holy Bhagavad Gita, ‘’Karm karo, fal ki chinta mat karo’’, literally meaning, do your karma, and forget the outcome.
I do not believe in flamboyance, or am not trying to say, that we should immediately go and leap before we look, yet we can make small differences, like every drop counts to make an ocean, we too can make a difference. We could start, by caring for our mother earth, by not exploiting her gifts, by reducing global warming, little deeds, could make a huge difference
Like, switching the lights off, when not in use, or by planting more tress, there are innumerous ways in which we could help. A major difference could also be made by conserving our natural resources; we could do that, by switching our engines off on a red light, or by switching to CNG instead of petrol or diesel. We could also, save our human resources, by being more careful on the streets and by abiding by traffic rules and laws.
All we need is inspiration, to raise a voice, against injustice, to support each other, to be united. If someone cannot speak for themselves, against injustice towards them, we’ll be their voice, because we can. We can make a difference. We are the voice. The voice of, our country. So let’s fight for our rights and abide by our duties, because we are the youth, we can. We are the future.

-Shreya Bajpai
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tamanna said…
Sumthing from Pankhuri's side:

hey Shreya..
A very well writen article it was.
Some of the examples are woven so beautifully in the article that it made me feel just so very connected.
Life, the world, is like a little classroom, we meet new classmates, make friends, sometimes even fray with many, yet, and we stay committed. Committed, to the unity of the class. We all have our own responsibilities, our own duties to fulfill. While in class, our duty is to concentrate on whatsoever is being taught, while in doubt, it’s our right to question or to seek advice, it’s like a chain reaction, ‘’you get what you give’’, like its written in the holy Bhagavad Gita, ‘’Karm karo, fal ki chinta mat karo’’, literally meaning, do your karma, and forget the outcome.

these were the best lines which reveal so very truth of life..
beautiful :)

theres so much that we can do..we just need a push..a start..a beginning..and then we can humn "nothings gonna stop us now" and nothing will and nothing can stop us then..
you made an excellent effort for pushing the people..for pushing us..and we shall and we WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE :)
cheers :)
do write more of this kind :)
tamanna said…
Sumthn from mie side...
U kno Shreya...da fst thing dat came to mind wen i saw dis beautiful work of yours was, "How old are you"! Its literally exudes purity!!!
N i won't say dat it was great n all coz if anyone dusn't see the so very beautiful feelings behind your writing the fst tym dey read it, nothing anyone says can make dem see it...
All i can hope is dis exact psychology, more dan anything else AT ALL is wat our country needs...some days ago i remember i was sayin i'll find dose ppl, n yes dose ppl do exist, who still have faith and are ready to stand up for their faith can do unimaginable of da kind dat gets reflected in your thoughts n dis article...
So voila!!!i've found one:-)
All the best dear:-)
Together we can, n together we WILL:-)
Shruti said…
I loved the idea of this world as a classroom. Very true! And I also second Pankhuri and Tamanna.

We are the tomorrow of this country. We have to make this a better place. And what better way than spreading awareness?

We'll make a difference.
Shreya said…
Hey Pankhuri, Tammana and Shruti :)
Firstly, in response to Tamanna, hehe i'm 14 years old, I'm a nineth grader.
Secondly, Thank you all so much,
this really encourages and reinforces me , that I'm not the only one with such views and Ideas.
And Yes, Together We will make a difference :)
I Hope to learn from you guys...
Thank you so much. really.

Take care.....
tamanna said…
Mention not dear:-)
N yeah...thanks for telin ur age...haha!!!See, i cud make out:-)

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