hey i feel that the name 'reader's paradise' is too serious.........nd the word paradise kind of irks me.........so how bout a name change????????.........( hopefully not something beginning with 'k'......lame joke i know)......something like 'novel(ty) unlimited.co.inc.'........or if its too long then we can remove the 'co.inc'........there are also others like 'the idlers paradise', 'penning the penned book' and of course any name that you may come up with......please comment.
I think, it was Tan's post on this blog itself, Republic Day Event, where this question was raised. My answer. YES. we need communal parties even in Independent, Secular India. Now let me take you, back to events before 1947. When India was a colony of the British Empire. The congress party, in its attempt to gain momentum for the independence movement, heavily used Hinduism, an example of which is the famous Ganesh Utsav held in Mumbai every year. Who complains? No one. But at that time, due to various policies of the congress, Muslims started feeling alienated. Jinnah, in these times, got stubborn over the need of Pakistan and he did find a lot of supporters. Congress, up till late 1940's never got bothered by it. And why should we? Who complains? No one. But there were repercussions. The way people were butchered and slaughtered during that brief time when India got partitioned, was even worse than a civil war scenario. All in the name of religion. And there indeed was cr...
Still way 4 a chance if anybdy comes up vth equally convincin Name...no worries at all....Can have it:)
Frankly i cant think of a more suitable name then The reader's paradise.
But if we reach a consensus on some other name,i am all for it.
Good suggestion Hobbit