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Hooplah over FDI in retail

Off late, everyone is jumping up and down on FDI in retail and the problems it will solve (As if it is the ultimate panacea of all the problems in India). Frankly it is boring to the point of a piss off. It now seems that everyone in the nation is advocating this FDI as if they are the experts on economic affairs or trade affairs. Well, if we have such a dumb economist of a Prime Minister, why can't we brag something about economics?
But the advantages being pointed out, are far too exaggerated and  cheesy. It is like you are going to thrust them down my throat. I now even expect to read yet another article, plea in a newspaper that may write that Indians would stop raping their woman if they get more retail stores. Seriously, why all this fuss for a grocery store man?

I like reforms, I like a free economy, I like agriculture. I love shopping. But all this going on in the media and elsewhere is pure sham. For more than 60 years Indians could do nothing for their farmers, except pumping copious amounts of insecticides and chemicals (anyone remember green revolution?) and now it seems all Indians have come to this drastic conclusion that a foreign fellow will invest 51% in the karyana store and all problems shall be resolved. Dumb. Why then we wanted independence from the Britishers? East India Company was 100% FDI. It introduced the concept of cash crops in India and modernized our irrigation systems. Should it be that Mr. Prime Minister, calls them back because the country thinks that foreigners will be better off in handling our agriculture crisis?

Coming to the point on jobs. It is being bragged around that hundreds of jobs will be created. But then, if these companies are so efficient, will they be employing a massive workforce or a lean mean team of people. If we are so worried about our employment figures, why not check our ever exploding population? A topic so untouched and d-reserved out of public debates. Or is it again, that you need a foreigner to teach you, a country of billion plus people, how to manage your population.

Another segment of society wants more retail options. I support that. But has it ever occurred to anyone that we don't have enough electricity to educate our children or give uninterrupted power supply to our factories, from where will the energy come to power the AC's of the mammoth stores that have to be come up. Are we really ready for the same?

Govt. allows 100% FDI in cold storage business. If no wastage of food products could be controlled by that measure, how would 51% in retail cure the problem?

Point again is, grow up. If you really want to have a reform, show the spine and get the job done. Whimpers don't help in running a country.


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