“Sometimes I think the answer lies in wondering if the lives we are creating for others are better than the ones we inherited ourselves.” I am convinced that many people who are parents should not be. It is a bold statement, but when you strip away the romanticised lens through which we have been conditioned to view parenthood, it becomes harder to ignore the underlying truth: parenting is not something to be taken lightly. Nor is it a choice that should be made unless you are 100% certain —mentally, emotionally, and financially ready for it. Is parenting more than just a biological destiny? The moment you announce that you are pregnant, society collectively leans in, nods approvingly, and asks about baby showers and cribs. The truth? Being responsible for an entire human being is incredibly tough—life-altering, in fact. Yet, people still push forward with the idea that it’s something “ you just do, ” that it will all work out because, well, doesn’t it always? In reality, parenting is
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