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You can appreciate someone yet recognise their potential to become better

It is perfectly fine to appreciate people for who they are. But let us face it—settling for mediocrity when you can recognise someone’s potential to be better is not an act of love. It is like having the world’s most fertile soil but never planting a seed. Why would you allow someone you care about to stop growing when you know they have the capacity for so much more? True love is not about promoting complacency; it is about challenging those you love to rise above mediocrity and become the best version of themselves. So, why not inspire greatness, invoke change, and push them to blossom?

  1. Is it possible to appreciate someone while pushing them to grow?
  2. Why should you challenge someone you love to be better?
  3. How can recognizing someone’s potential lead to positive change?
  4. Can complacency in relationships stunt personal growth?
  5. How do you inspire someone to embrace change?
  6. What role does fear play in resisting growth?
  7. Why is change a constant and unavoidable part of life?
  8. How does promoting complacency hinder progress?
  9. Is willful ignorance an excuse to remain stagnant?
  10. Can you love someone without settling for mediocrity?
  11. How do personal growth and relationship growth go hand-in-hand?

Is it possible to appreciate someone while pushing them to grow?

Absolutely! Appreciating someone for who they are doesn’t mean you are blind to their potential. Think of it as loving someone’s “now” while seeing all the incredible things their future could hold. When you care for someone, you want what’s best for them. But does that mean settling for where they are today? Not quite. Loving someone should include encouraging them to become the best they can be. After all, who wouldn’t want to see someone they care about thrive?

In I Will Do It by Tushar Mangl, the idea of pushing oneself to reach new heights is a central theme. This same concept can apply in your relationships—pushing someone to grow doesn’t diminish your appreciation for them. It is a testament to your belief in their potential.

Why should you challenge someone you love to be better?

Challenging someone you love is one of the most profound ways to show that you believe in their abilities. It is easy to sit back and let life happen. But when you challenge a loved one, you are encouraging them to seize opportunities, improve their skills, and step into the greatness you know they can achieve.

Have you ever noticed how sports coaches treat their players? A good coach never allows their athletes to settle. They constantly push them—often beyond what the athlete thinks is possible. Why? Because they see potential. They believe in more. And, because they care.

In relationships, the same principle applies. True love isn’t about letting someone coast through life. If you see untapped potential in someone, encourage them. 

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Can recognizing someone’s potential lead to positive change?

Recognizing potential in someone can spark incredible change. It is like planting a seed and nurturing it. Without that recognition, many people remain unaware of their capabilities. Sometimes, it takes an outside perspective to help someone realise what they’re truly capable of.

A study by Harvard Business Review found that people who felt challenged by their partners or colleagues were more likely to excel in their professional and personal lives. When someone sees potential in you, it provides a motivation to rise to the occasion.

Can complacency in relationships stunt personal growth?

Complacency is the silent killer of growth. It whispers, "You are fine where you are," but keeps you from moving forward. In relationships, complacency can be even more harmful. When you stop growing as individuals, the relationship stagnates. It becomes a cycle of “good enough” when it could be “extraordinary.”

Think of relationships like a garden. If you stop tending to it, what happens? Weeds grow, flowers wither, and soon, what was once vibrant becomes lifeless. Pushing each other to grow is like watering that garden—without it, everything wilts.

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How do you inspire someone to embrace change?

Change is scary—there is no denying that. But as the saying goes, "Nothing worth having comes easy." How do you encourage someone to embrace change? You can start by being a role model. Show them that change, while uncomfortable at times, leads to growth and opportunity.

An anecdote from my own life: My best friend had always played it safe in her career. She was good at her job but never pushed for anything more. I saw potential in her, though. She could lead, create, innovate. After months of encouragement, she finally took the leap, applied for a higher position, and got it! Now, she is flourishing in ways she never thought possible. Sometimes, all it takes is a nudge.

What role does fear play in resisting growth?

Fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of the unknown. All these fears can keep someone from taking the leap into growth. It is human nature to resist what scares us. But fear is also one of the greatest motivators if channeled correctly.

I like to think of fear as a door. On one side is where you are now—safe, comfortable, familiar. On the other side is something different. It could be better, but you’ll never know unless you open that door. Challenging someone to overcome fear is one of the greatest gifts you can give them.

Why is change a constant and unavoidable part of life?

Change is inevitable. Whether we like it or not, life is always moving forward. As humans, we are wired to grow and evolve. Look at technology, society, or even the way we communicate. In every aspect of life, change is the only constant. To resist it is to resist life itself. This is life. If we aren’t growing, we are standing still, and standing still is a fast track to stagnation.

How does promoting complacency hinder progress?

When you promote complacency, you are essentially saying, “This is as good as it gets.” But is that fair to someone who has the potential for so much more? It is like telling a bird to never leave the nest, even though you know they could soar to new heights.

A study published in Psychology Today revealed that individuals who were constantly pushed to better themselves experienced more fulfillment and happiness than those who remained in their comfort zones.

Is willful ignorance an excuse to remain stagnant?

Ignorance is not bliss—it is a trap. Willfully ignoring the potential for growth doesn’t make that potential disappear; it only wastes it. Whether it is fear or laziness, choosing to remain the same when you have the ability to grow is a disservice to yourself and those around you.

Imagine a world where no one ever pushed the boundaries of their comfort zones. We’d still be living in caves, afraid of fire. Progress, innovation, and success all come from daring to be more than we are today.

Can you love someone without settling for mediocrity?

Yes! True love is about seeing someone’s flaws and loving them anyway. But it’s also about recognising their potential and pushing them toward it. Loving someone doesn’t mean accepting mediocrity; it means believing in their greatness and encouraging them to see it too.

Think of it this way: If you knew someone could achieve their dreams, wouldn’t you want to help them? Settling for mediocrity isn’t love—it is laziness. Love pushes people to grow, change, and be the best they can be.

How do personal growth and relationship growth go hand-in-hand?

When one person in a relationship grows, it naturally challenges the other person to do the same. Growth in a relationship isn’t about leaving someone behind; it is about growing together. The stronger and more self-assured you become, the more you can contribute to the relationship.

As you improve yourself, your relationship becomes more fulfilling, and more dynamic. A relationship that supports growth becomes a partnership that can withstand the challenges of life.

What is the difference between contentment and complacency?

Contentment is being satisfied with what you have while still striving for more. It is about finding peace in the present but recognising that there is always room for improvement. Complacency, on the other hand, is settling for less when you know you could have more. It’s the quiet voice that says, “This is good enough,” even when it isn’t.

In life, you should aim for contentment, not complacency. Encourage those you love to do the same.

How do you respectfully challenge someone without pushing them too far?

Challenging someone you love to grow is a delicate balance. It’s not about forcing change, but gently encouraging it. The key is to be supportive, patient, and understanding. Everyone grows at their own pace, and it is important to recognise when to push and when to step back.

Offer constructive feedback, celebrate small wins, and be there to lift them when they fall. Growth isn’t a straight line, and neither is your role in helping someone achieve it.

How does personal improvement inspire others in your life?

Personal growth is contagious. When you push yourself to be better, the people around you will naturally follow suit. It is like lighting a match in a dark room—suddenly, others can see the light, too.

Why true love pushes for growth, not mediocrity

At the end of the day, love is about more than just accepting someone as they are. You owe it to the people you care about to inspire them to be better, not settle for less. Why? Because you see the greatness in them. You know what they’re capable of, and if you truly love them, you’ll help them get there. Change is inevitable, and growth is a part of life. Why not be the person who inspires that change?


Is it okay to push someone to change?

Yes, as long as it is done respectfully and with the person’s best interests in mind. Encouraging growth isn’t about forcing change but inspiring it.

How can I help someone realise their potential?

Lead by example, offer encouragement, and provide a safe space for them to explore their capabilities.

What if someone resists change?

Change can be scary. Be patient and supportive, but also understand when to give them space to figure things out.

Can pushing for growth harm a relationship?

If done without care, it can. The key is to challenge someone while being empathetic to their needs and pace

How do I know if I am being too pushy?

Listen to their feedback. If they feel overwhelmed or pressured, it is time to step back and reassess your approach.

About Tushar Mangl:

Tushar Mangl is a counsellor and the author of The Avenging Act. He writes on topics like mental health, Vastu, and the art of living a balanced life. His work focuses on creating a greener, better society.


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